Saturday, May 9, 2009

Why Can't I Quit You?

I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who has a list of specific movies, which, if you are flipping through the channels and come across will instantly cease all other actions and watch from that point until the end. It could be 5 minutes in, 20 minutes in, just before that really memorable scene or just after it, and you're hooked. Happens all the time.

That's why last night I was up until 3am, because I had stumbled across the Robert Rodriguez classic, "Desperado" starring (one of the best names ever) Antonio Banderas and (seriously at 60 will still look amazing) Salma Hayek. I can't even begin to explain what it is about this movie that makes me watch it whenever it's on. One part awesome gunfights, one part what I think is excellent cinematography, at least two parts Salma Hayek, one part Antonio Banderas, etc. It's just for some reason, I movie I really enjoy.

Here's a couple other "surf stoppers" that I'll pause life to watch:

"Bloodsport" - Based on actual events in the life of American Badass Frank Dux, this has to be the best Jean Claude Van Damme movie ever. Gets the adrenaline going to the point where I need at least 35 minutes post credit roll before I can even think about being a normal member of society.

"Rudy" - Always tell myself that I should turn it off before I cry but never listen. Good to see Vince Vaughan and John Faverau in their slimmer days and Sean Aston without hairy feet. In all seriousness, it's always an inspiration.

"Rocky I or II" - You know the movie by heart and still are glued to it waiting for the classic montages and final fight scenes. If alone I'll usually train along with Rocky. If someone is in the room I'll silently hope that they leave so I can train with Rocky.

"The Blues Brothers" - Between the Aretha Franklin scene, and the Ray Charles city wide dance sequence the world could be on the brink of destruction and I wouldn't notice.

"Drive Me Crazy" - Vinny Chase before he was Vinny Chase, and a storyline full of holes that I've always wanted to re-write to correct. Yet some sort of undeniable charm that makes me love it. Maybe it's the REO Speedwagon sing-a-long scene.

"Clue" - Easy to understand because I can play the whole movie back in my head, so it's never hard to pick up wherever it is. Tim Curry is absolutely brilliant throughout and the cast is like a venerable all-star team yet it never seems to get the recognition it deserves.

And there are probably a few more that I can't think of off the top of my head, but next time I flip channels and see them I'll be stuck on them 'til the end.

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