Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Dance the Night Away

Somewhere in the middle of Scott and Kristen's wedding I realized that despite being really pale, and thereby being born rhythmically challenged, I really enjoy dancing. As I may have mentioned during that wedding I couldn't resist the beat when they started playing Earth, Wind and Fire's "September". A little later in the night I found myself on the floor again with many people circled around me as I busted out some MJ tribute moves to Billie Jean. I was even able to pull off a 78% moonwalk, however, it wasn't caught on tape.

With all of that in the back of my mind I prepared for Mike and Kelly's wedding a few weeks later. Due to the added ethnic component of this wedding (in case you couldn't tell from the pictures Scott and Kristen are almost as white as me) I knew I had to up my game. Thanks to a handy instructional salsa video on YouTube (which I passed around to the rest of the gringos who would be attending) I was prepared - but I'll do a full recap the wedding in a later post. This is more of a teaser.

Since it was Mike's wedding, Scott was freed up to whip out his camera and capture some great action. So without further ado, a hilarious video of me (please note I had been drinking and was a born a Leo, meaning I naturally crave the spotlight).


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