It occurred to me that I haven't really written much about school, despite the fact that it's pretty much consumed my life for the last 9 months or so. The main reason being, I don't want to publish concepts and ideas I've been working on if they're not done, or even if I think they are, for fear that some talent-less hack will pick them off and run with them. It happens. Sure, those people don't last long in

the business, but if someone rips off my idea, poorly, that's it, the idea is dead. I can't then re-introduce it with more polish or style because then it will look like I'm copy, imitating, or inspired by the crap work done by a hack who ripped me off.
Well anyway, as I mentioned I have been in school for 9 months (finished 3 quarters) and some of the work I've done will never be for ads (like the Shawn Michaels poster I posted in my last entry) so it's okay to show off. Plus I've been working on some things for my Door site (basically an interactive portfolio on the school's servers) which I think are pretty cool.

So anyway, here's a collection of things I've created for school.
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