Shawn Michaels, one of the most charismatic and controversial pro-wrestlers ever, walked away tonight after losing at WrestleMania to the Undertaker.
It was a significant event in pop-culture because, Michaels, a veteran of the WWF/E for over 20 years has been involved in some of the company's most significant matches, and out-of-ring events (yeah I'm talking about the Montreal Screwjob). He was a jerk, a pain in the ass, and you could probably go as far as saying a cancer to the company. He cleaned up, found Jesus (seriously) and throughout it all, remained one of the biggest draws with a devote and dedicated fan base (Canada excluded).
I'm not going to comment on his actual fairwell speech, I will say that it was sincere and from the heart. He thanked one of the video production guys, by name, for "making him look good all these years". Prior to the actual speech, with Michaels in the ring and the crowd chanting "Thank you Shawn", the Undertakers music hit. He walked out to the top of the ramp, paused, tipped his hat to Michaels and then returned to the dressing room. Once again proving, the Undertaker is the greatest character ever.
Anyway, I'm sad to see Shawn go (even though I really haven't watched WWE in years) but understand after all those years, and all the personal shit he's been through, the guy has earned some time at home with his family. And I'm most glad, that the Undertaker's WrestleMania streak is still in tact. Even though pro-wrestling isn't a real sport, it does have history, mythology and legends that need to be preserved.
The Heart Break Kid, Shawn Michaels, is one of those legends.

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