I got my invitation to Scott and Kristen's wedding today. I don't know much about wedding invitations, but I do know that women spent lots of time picking them out. While I'll never be mistaken for someone with a classically trained eye for style in these matters (I'm sure there is a shorter phrase for that, but damn if I know what it is), I really like the invitations they sent out.

Anyway, to the title of this post. Scott and Kristen have been together for a long time, and we knew this was inevitable and more so after they got engaged, but really until I opened the invitation I don't think the full weight of the situation hit me. It's like the last few weeks before high school graduation; you knew it was eventually inevitable, you made your plans for after graduation and were all ready to go. But then, you started to realize what it actually meant. After that ceremony there are no more school plays, or lacrosse games. No more cutting science lab, passing notes in the hall, or freaking out about who is dating who. And there certainly won't be

a crazy guy trying to recreate Woodstock in the parking lot. Upon those realizations, you reminisce and feel a little sad.
I'm at that stage now. Sure, I haven't spent as much time with Scott and Kristen as I used to (on account of moving to California) but I know that after their wedding things will be markedly different. They're two of my best friends and I'm so happy for them because they're a lot more Tommy and Gina than Brenda and Eddie (if you don't know those two song references Google them right now because your life is empty. It's okay, I'll wait.). Not only am I sad that our obvious care-free existence has just about been stamped out by harsh reality - "It's okay, I understand, this ain't no never neverland" (I'll give you this one, it's a J. Geils Band line) - and we grow up and get saddled with responsibilities, but also because I'm a bit envious of what they have found in each other. The wedding isn't until July so I'll avoid getting all misty eyed and sappy for now.
Although I should probably start looking for a date. Now it is like high school.
My boyfriend and I attended one of my friend's daughter's first birthday party. It's scary. I can't help but feel happy that everyone is getting hitched and having kids, but wow... these are people I've known forever, and it's frightening to think we're all getting to this stage.