I just watched back to back episodes of this show on Spike - what an awesome show.
Episode 1 - Mafia vs. Yakuza
So the show starts out with experts for each side explaining and demonstrating the weapons that their "clients" would/did use in battle. For the Mafia they displayed the Tommy Gun, Molotov cocktail, baseball bat, sawed-off double-barrel shotgun, and the ice pick. Basically your standard fair from the Godfather and any other classic mob movie you've seen. The Yakuza weapons are things I'm a bit less familiar with: a semi-automatic machine gun, ceramic grenade, nunchunks, walther pistol and sais (Raphael style).
The Mafia's weapons typically did a lot more damage than what the Yakuza were using, which is why in 1,000 simulated "squad based battles" the Mafia won over 58%.
Now I'm Italian and I respect the mob, but I've also seen enough martial arts movies to know that 1 on 1 Yakuza are probably more skilled fighters. My problem with the simulation is that I don't think it took into account what happens when there are no weapons, present or in a hand-to-hand fight. Anyway, despite my objection the point is - THE MOB WINS!!
Episode 2 - Green Berets vs. Spetsnaz
This takes me back to my young days growing up in the 80s, taught that the Soviets were just like us, except evil. It's what started my lifelong crushing on cold war cuties, the belief that they were as deadly as they were beautiful, and they would seduce and kill me. What can I say, I watched a lot of James Bond, and cheaper knock-offs, when I was a kid. Okay snap back to reality. They lined up each special forces equipment and demonstrated their awesome killing precision. I don't remember many of the weapons, especially on the Green Berets side because they had a lot of numbers. I do remember the Spetsnaz used the Draganov sniper rifle, which I learned about last season on Burn Notice (possibly the best show on TV), however it wasn't as accurate as the U.S. sniper rifle which put a bullet between the eyes of 3 targets in under 5 seconds. The other memorable weapon, was Spetsnaz's ballastic knife. It's a combat knife, used for slashing, stabbing and usual knife type attacking. However, it's also spring loaded and you can shoot the knife at a measured 39 miles per hour, with good accuracy. HOLY SHIT!!
In the end the squad based simulations were very close and did not pass statistical significance (the difference was 7 kills), but Spetsnaz won.
If you had seen the former Spetsnaz guys they had on, you'd be afraid. Green Berets are badass, but these guys are badass, don't smile and wear mirrored sunglasses. They look the part of scary ass guys who will kill you and not worry about international reaction to their foreign policy.
Congratulations Deadliest Warrior, you've rekindled my fear of the Soviet War Machine; and by extension, made Eastern European (Czech, Polish, Ukrainian and Russian) women even more attractive.
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