Monday, May 24, 2010

I like food, but I'm not a foodie

Yes, that was a reference to modern music. After hearing it in a Nike commercial I pretty much have the Killers in my head non-stop. Fortunately, I liked them a bit before.

A "foodie" is a term that pretentious cocksuckers* who like to eat dub themselves so that people will take their opinions (on sites like Yelp) more seriously when they spout off about what they like and don't like about food, as if they have the world's most educated palette. Don't get me wrong, I like the idea of Yelp, being able to see what places to eat people generally like. But look at the comments section, at least in San Francisco, and the majority of people are talking out of their ass. To prove my point, look up just about any pizzeria in San Francisco (not including Tonys - that'll be covered later) and see what the reviewers say. Most of them are people who have never eaten a real slice of pizza in their lives (that means, having a slice in NY). They don't realize the importance of the sauce to cheese ratio, the importance of NY water or that avocado is not an acceptable topping.

So Yelp is as helpful as walking past a place a seeing a line out the door, a good number of people like this place. Whether it's because the food's cheap, the better place across the street just burned down, or because they just don't know any better you can't tell, but it's possibly worth a try.

So what am I doing and why am I doing it?

Well, my time here in San Francisco is getting shorter by the day and as I get ready to head back East I want to make sure I leave having done what I wanted to do. Part of that includes sights and activities and part of it includes having tried "the best" San Francisco has to offer of my favorite foods.

Here are the dishes I plan on searching for the "best" of:

- Hot Dogs
- Burgers
- Pizza (a dubious task but someone's got to be the tallest pygmy)
- Bagels/breakfast bagel sandwiches
- Fried Calamari

In addition to my "bests" quests, I'm trying a plethora of other things which I plan on reviewing, such as:

- Dim Sum
- An East Coast style Jewish Deli (Oye gutanoh <-probably spelled wrong)
- Ice Cream (note: as ice cream can seriously put a hurting on my body, this may not happen or I may die trying)
- Misc. (just other things that are around that look like they may not kill me)

Anyone who knows me pretty well will look at this list and nod that this is who I am. I'm not a foie gras or hummus kind of guy.

No promises as to how frequently I'll post updates. I'm shooting to take down 2-3 places a week and have already been to several places - so I'm my own backlog. Anyway, stick around, tune in, should be entertaining.

*That's something I picked up from the late George Carlin - the term "pretentious" should always be followed by "cocksucker". It's like the u after the q.

As a bonus, here's the Killer's video.

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