Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Country Roads: Part 1a - Oh you're leaving? Not so fast.

So here we go, I'm finally going to do it. Woke up bright and early, walked up to Fisherman's Warf for the last time and went the McDonald's there, for the first time, to get my favorite breakfast, (2 sausage biscuits and a med. O.J.) Then went back to my apartment to pack the last of my bags into the car, put out a "Box O' Free" full of stuff I couldn't fit in the car and still had enough value that it'd be a shame to throw it out, and made a horrifying discovery...

The guy set to sublet my room backed out!

Yeah, so that was a shocker, although I honestly can't really blame him for panicking after I had to say, "no, please don't send the check and finalize the agreement we made because one of my roommates suddenly realized that he knows a friend of a friend of a friend of someone's dead aunt that may need a room, and it'd be much more preferable to live with someone they sorta knew but not really. So the kid bailed thinking he wouldn't get the room, and I'm fucked for a few thousand dollars. Roommate not really taking responsibility for financially fucking me over because "next time don't tell him it's a friend, just say it's another respondent so they don't panic."

Great advice. Here's some for you. 3 days before I'm set to drive cross country and just found someone to replace the last guy who bailed on taking my room, take your preferences and shove them unless you plan on financially covering me in case this shit happens.

Fortunately (sort of), the roommate I knew the least is a stand up guy and has put the room back on Craigslist and is trying to help me get it sublet so I can recoup/salvage some of the money I lost because of the blown deal.

Hey, now if that's not the way to start a week long, 4 thousand mile trip, what is?

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