Saturday, June 12, 2010

Country Roads: Part 0

You could probably call this a prequel to my cross country adventure. I was planning on leaving today. I even scheduled 3 hours for packing on my Google Calendar.

However, it apparently takes something more like 6 hours and when you've got an 80 degree plus heat beating down on your pasty white ass, it takes even longer. So after much back and forth, constant rests and drinking a ton of water, I decided that it just wasn't worth it to kill myself and will leave tomorrow (Sunday, June 13th).

What's more though is that with all of the crap I crammed into the car, there's still so much I have to leave behind. Tomorrow I"m putting out a "Box o' Free Stuff" outside the apartment before I go. Things in it include: Guitar Hero controller (Gamespot wouldn't buy it), my 1969 Mets framed celebration print, my NY Giants rug - those last 2 I really wanted to take but I can't feasibly fit them anywhere, my Mike Piazza bobblehead, various Google schwag and my ultra comfortable bathrobe (I may be able to salvage that one).

But yeah, anyway it sucks to give up all of these things that I remember what occasion I got them for, from who and what they meant/mean to me. That's because I'm crazy and develop an instance emotional attachment to inanimate objects.

So anyway that's my story for today - not even going to get into the clusterfuck of subletting my room - going to bed now so I can wake up early and get breakfast (hopefully I'll be feeling better and able to eat) then throw some food and drink in the cooler and pack my laptop, maps and be on my way. I'm hoping to be on the road before 10:30am

First stop: Yosemite National Park

That reminds me, I should get directions.

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