Monday, October 26, 2009

Welcome to relevance!

I won my Playstation 3 before my first Christmas working at Google. I didn't even have an LCD TV at the time. Once I got the system though I immediately upgraded my television unit and things were great. Well, the TV was great for playing all of my PS2 and XBox games, watching movies and football. And then later after I built my new computer playing games and watching movies on that. And then when I got my Dreamcast, playing games on that.

Needless to say, the PS3 had been little more than a pretty decoration, a talking point or a trophy of the one time in my life that I've ever won some sort of raffle. It wasn't really much else. I have a pretty large and (I think) awesome collection of DVDs and I'm in no hurry to rebuy them all as Blu-Rays, and there just weren't any "must have" games that I felt I needed to go out and get. So I just kept playing all of my old ones and occasionally checked in on my PS3 by playing a new demo or something. They all looked great but reviews would come out and I'd be underimpressed enough to be able to pass up the $60 price tag. Infamous was the first game that I almost bought. It was interesting, looked nice, the demo was fun and the reviews came back solid. In the end I passed though and instead took up and old Final Fantasy game I hadn't beaten and then Resident Evil: Code Veronica (which reminds me, I really should finish that game).

Then Resident Evil 5 came out. Fortunately from playing the demo I knew there was no chance I was going to own it, even though I really did want to know what happened in the story universe. I spent layover time I had in Terminal 5 at JFK watching all the cutscenes on YouTube and saved myself $60 and a shit-ton of frustration.

Then the demo for Batman: Arkham Asylum was released. It was a game I had been tracking, eagerly anticipating mostly due to my comic/super hero nerd tendencies. I wrote about this game before, how the demo blew me away and I knew I had to own it. I bought it, beat it, have replayed it a bit to unlock more stuff and am glad that I have.

But that was just the beginning. It seems like now, right now, the flood gates are about to crack open and my PS3 will finally ascend to the top level of my entertainment hierarchy. A few weeks ago I played the Uncharted 2 multiplayer beta demo - and I've never played an online multiplayer game EVER. I mostly wrote them off as well... let's say retarded 12 year olds and in-denial frat boys who like the idea of tea bagging each other in games and then awkwardly talking about it like the thought has never gone through their mind.

Anyway, loved the demo and got addicted to all the different types of games. It was then decided that this was my next purchase. Sadly the local game shop down the block had sold out. They next shipment comes in on Wednesday/Thursday and they're putting aside one with my name on it. I even traded in a bunch of old Xbox, PS1 and PS2 games to help me pay.

I figured with Batman and Uncharted I could be content for a nice long while and not get sucked into making the PS3 the focus but then I remembered - Assassins Creed II comes out next month. That game is sick. Then God of War III for the holidays, Final Fantasy XIII (which I'm almost guaranteed to pre-order), Heavy Rain: The Case of the Origami Killer (if you have never heard of it, check out trailers) and a bunch of really good games on here or on their way. And to top it all off, it was officially confirmed that you'll be able to start streaming Netflix to your PS3 next month.

Sonuvabitch. I was hoping to get a little more use out of all of the other things in my life. Guess those new Sony commercials are right, It only does: everything.

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